EastOver Press is a small literary press run by writers. The press publishes physical books as well as the online literary journal Cutleaf


EastOver Press focuses on collections of short stories, essays, or poetry, though we are open to hybrid forms and genre-expanding work. We invite work in English that responds to our common experience and reflects our differences. We are interested in work by all writers, especially those historically underrepresented in literary publishing. To see the books published and forthcoming from the Press, please visit eastoverpress.com

EastOver Press is not open for unsolicited fiction or poetry manuscripts. 

EastOver Press will open October 1 to December 31, 2024 for book-length nonfiction manuscripts with a cap of 100 submissions. Submissions during this reading period will be considered for publication in 2026.


Cutleaf Journal publishes original poetry, short stories, and literary nonfiction in English from established and emerging writers.

Submission windows for Cutleaf for work to appear in 2025 are listed below. More details will be in the specific forms for each genre.  Please make sure to subscribe to our newsletter at cutleafjournal.com/subscribe for the most up-to-date and complete information. 

Short Fiction for Cutleaf in 2025 – May 15 to May 31, 2024 

Literary Nonfiction for Cutleaf in 2025 – September 1 to November 30, 2024  

Poetry for Cutleaf in 2025 – Submissions window opens on November 1, 2024.  

There is no fee to submit. Cutleaf will pay from $100 to $300 for published prose and from $50 to $100 per published poem. We will consider simultaneous submissions with the understanding that you will quickly inform us if a piece is accepted by another publication.

Cutleaf acquires non-exclusive first serial rights throughout North America to publish work in all editions of Cutleaf, wherever published and distributed, including hard copy and electronic formats. We reserve the right to make any work that we’ve published available in the Cutleaf archives on our website. Should a piece first published in Cutleaf be reprinted in another work, we request the later publication include an acknowledgment of Cutleaf

Work published online in Cutleaf may be chosen for inclusion in our yearly anthology, The Cutleaf Reader.


Cutleaf welcomes writers at all levels of experience to submit original literary nonfiction in English for consideration. 

Whatever the topic, we are looking for well-written, imaginative work that invites a reader to join the writer in thinking through what it means to be alive in the modern world. 

Cutleaf is a journal run by writers. We try to treat writers as we want to be treated: 

  1. We charge no fee to submit. 
  2. We pay from $100 to $300 per published nonfiction piece. 
  3. We reply to submissions in a timely manner, usually not later than three months and generally much sooner.

For the 2025 journal year, we will be open for nonfiction submissions for three months (Sept 1 to Nov 30, 2024.) 

We get many hundreds of submissions in nonfiction each year. So we ask those who submit to adhere to our guidelines. Those who do not follow the guidelines may be moved to the end of the reading queue. 

  • Only one nonfiction submission per writer per calendar year. 
  • Name and email on the first page of the submission. Text double-spaced, with page numbers, and in a standard 12 point font with a 1 inch margin. A brief bio written in the third person included with submission. 
  • We take a narrative, literary, and imaginative approach to nonfiction. We welcome traditional essay formats but we also welcome variations such as speculative essays, essays in verse, "hermit crab" essays, or essays that explore the use of language in imaginative ways. 
  • We are open to any topic that moves a writer, but particularly invite work that addresses the ethics and practice of distinctive occupations. The nonfiction editor, a physician, takes special interest in reading work from physicians, dentists, nurses, social workers, scientists, technicians, and other clinicians and caregivers involved in health care and public health.
  • We do not limit our point of view to the simply factual, but we expect nonfiction writers to hew closely to the truth. We do not fact-check the pieces published in the journal, but we do engage in a back-and-forth editing process for many of the pieces we accept for publication. Authors are responsible for securing permissions for quotes of copyrighted material, if needed.  
  • We are not interested in and will not publish fantasy, erotica, romance (paranormal or otherwise), polemics, position statements, editorials, purely academic papers, or screeds. We are not interested in pitches for work yet to be completed. We do not publish previously published work. 
  • We consider simultaneous submissions with the understanding that you will quickly inform us if a piece is accepted by another publication.

EastOver Press is accepting previously published short stories for a forthcoming fiction anthology. The stories should have been published in 2022 or 2023. 

The anthology will focus on BIPOC writers who live in or hail from rural or semi-rural locales (in the United States) and whose short stories feature characters living and/or working in rural or semi-rural spaces. In addition, we'll also accept work from BIPOC writers who've spent a significant amount of time in rural or semi-rural locales and whose work might reflect those spaces. 

Deesha Philyaw will serve as guest editor.

Submissions should be no more than 25 pages or 7500 words and may include up to three submissions per author or five submissions per editor of a literary journal. 

Our payment to authors upon publication of the anthology is $100-$300. Send questions to keith@eastoverpress.com.

EastOver Press & Cutleaf Journal